Air-Dynamic announces the launch of its new WhatsApp channel. This initiative aims to broaden the information available to its customers and all aviation enthusiasts.
A new way to communicate
The Air-Dynamic WhatsApp channel represents a new step towards immediate and personalized contact thanks to the world’s most popular messaging platform. A further expansion of the communication introduced with the various services:
Air-Dynamic Blog
Air-Dynamic Events
How to Subscribe
- Open this link on your WhatsApp: Air-Dynamic Blog WhatsApp Channel
- Enter the Air-Dynamic channel and subscribe with the green button at the top right
- Use the Updates button at the bottom left of your status every time you want to check our news.
An invitation to adventure
The Air-Dynamic WhatsApp channel is much more than just a news channel. It is an invitation to join a community of aviation lovers, to discover new destinations, and to experience the thrill of private flight.
Don’t miss the chance to take off with Air-Dynamic into the future of communication.
Subscribe to the WhatsApp channel now and receive our news directly on your phone!